Exhibition Events List



The programme of events during the residency and exhibition connected a wider audience of makers, artists and creative business owners within the SW and SE regions, offerering students and makers in the early stages of their careers guidance and awareness of craft careers, whilst opening up a dialogue about contemporary craft with the public.

Exhibition 17 May - 15 June 2019

Arts at the Old Fire Station, Oxford


opening event

Thursday 16th May 6 -8pm

curator talks

Saturday 18th May, Thursday 6th June, Saturday 15th June

‘crafting your career’ symposium

Wednesday 22nd May 1 - 4pm

meet the makers

11am - 6pm Gallery talks at 2pm (11.30am Saturday 25th May)

Thurs 23 May: Harriet Elkerton
Sat 25 May: Katy Welsh
Thurs 30 May: Angie Packer
Sat 1 June: Christabel Balfour
Sat 8 June: Rachel Jones-Jones
Thurs 13 June: Tim Evershed

vinyl collage workshop

Saturday 25th May 2 - 4.30pm

creative networking

Thursday 6th June 6.30pm


Friday 5th July